Our Reconciliation Action Plan
Our Reconciliation Action Plan

We are committed to collaboration that furthers self-determination. As we go forward, we will continue to listen, learn, and be allies for a healing future.

Acknowledgement of Country

We respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Owners of the lands and waterways on which we work and live across Australia and pay our respects to Elders of the past, present and into the future.

We acknowledge that they have cared for these lands for millennia and commit to remembering that the ground beneath our feet is infused with wisdom, stories, and songs that reach beyond our knowing.

Our Vision

Our vision for reconciliation is a nation where First Nations peoples have control over decisions that affect their communities and where they have equitable opportunities to enjoy what they determine to be a full and good life. This is a vision for a nation of deep, two-way relationships, and understanding, respect, and celebration of First Nations cultures and ways of being.

Our vision is embodied in our approach to listening to, learning from, and partnering with community and a commitment to readiness to translate the truths we hear into meaningful action.


Over the past several years we have been on an internal change journey. This has seen us listening to learn, growing, in terms of our giving, our team, and our impact, defining our purpose, and most importantly, building relationships to collaborate in creating change. We see reconciliation as fundamental to this journey and the future wellbeing of our communities.

Hear more about this journey from Foundation staff, partners, and Board members.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan

Our RAP Artwork

Meet Iteka Ukarla Sanderson-Bromley, the woman behind our RAP art. Iteka is 22 years old and lives on Kaurna Country in Adelaide, South Australia. Her language groups are Adnyamathanha (Flinders Ranges), Narungga (Yorke Peninsula) and Yarluyandi (Simpson Desert). Iteka’s ‘Yura mityi’ (Aboriginal/birth order name) is Warrikanha meaning “2nd born”. Iteka has grown up making regular trips home to Country and loves sharing her culture through her art and dance. Iteka’s art is a reflection of her culture and the stories passed down from her ancestors. 

In this work the large central circle represents the Fay Fuller Foundation, on either side its past and future journey. The smaller circles encapsulate the pillars, principles, and focus areas that guide the Foundation's work. The colour palette speaks to warmth, confidence, calmness, growth, and harmony and the layered background indicates that there is more to discover beyond the surface level.

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©Fay Fuller Foundation
We acknowledge the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains and the traditional custodians and owners of the lands on which we work and live across Australia. We pay our respects to Elders of the past, present and into the future. We are committed to collaboration that furthers self-determination, as we go forward, we will continue to listen, learn, and be allies for a healing future.